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Michael-David Fischer awarded the "Jahrgangsbestenpreis" 2021

Portraitfoto von Michael-David Fischer. Er trägt einen Anzug mit farbiger Krawatte, hat dunkles, kurzes Haar und ist geschätzt Mitte 20. © Fischer​/​Privat

During the digitally conducted annual celebration of the TU Dortmund University, M.Sc. Michael-David Fischer was awarded the "Jahrgangsbestenpreis" 2021 of the TU Dortmund University. Congratulations!

Fischer is a master's graduate in chemical engineering. He completed his master's thesis "Numerische Simulation von partikelbeladenen, instationären Freistrahlen" in the Fluid Mechanics group under the supervision of Dr. Konrad Boettcher. Within the scope of the work, different free jet systems in ascending complexity were investigated by means of numerical simulations. Since particle-loaded free jets in particular are still poorly understood to date, the simulations serve as basic research and a basis for later investigations. Fischer is now a member of the fluid mechanics group.