10 years of laboratory of apparatus design (AD)
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"With this new professorship, the TU can now cover the entire scientific spectrum in bio- and chemical engineering - from basic research to process and plant engineering to the implementation of equipment. The new Bayer endowed professorship thus fits perfectly into the profile of the faculty, which is the largest of its kind in Europe."
These were the words of former Rector Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Ursula Gather on the occasion of the signing of the funding agreement in Dortmund in February 2009, when Bayer AG donated 750,000 euros for the Bayer Endowed Professorship for the first 5 years to the Working Group for Apparatus Engineering at TU Dortmund University. After that, the continuation of the professorship and chair was to be borne by the TU.
When Prof. Norbert Kockmann took up his post 10 years ago today, the planning and subsequent construction measures for the new AD laboratory also began, which was already inaugurated in January 2013 and since then has provided space for various types of work with small-scale apparatus with an area of approx. 150 m2. We congratulate Prof. Kockmann and the AD on their 10-year service anniversary, thank them for their successful research work and wish them all the best for the future!