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Equal Opportunities Officer

Dr.-Ing. Judith Winck

The Faculty of Bioengineering and Chemical Engineering is justifiably proud of its 33% share of women. This high percentage is to be further increased with targeted and intensive public relations work.

In the area of scientific and non-scientific positions, the proportion of women is to be increased to 50 %. Targeting women as scientific assistants, mentoring programmes such as mentoring3 , the promotion of national and in­ter­na­tio­nal scientific contacts by means of a special travel fund and the intensification of further training are among the measures to achieve this.

Detailed information on the current situation, the goals and measures of the faculty can be found in the equal opportunities concept.


The work of the Equal Opportunities Officer should contribute to the realisation of equal rights for men and women. She therefore participates in all measures that have an impact on gender equality and the recognition of the equal position of women and men in society, e.g. in the committees of the faculty, in appointment committees, etc. She is the contact person for suggestions for improvement. She is the contact person for suggestions for improvement in the area of gender equality and for complaints about inequality.

Her main fields of work are:

  • Advising women and supporting them in asserting their rights,
  • disseminating information and organising events on women's and gender equality issues,
  • cooperation with the Equal Opportunities Officer of the Technical University of Dort­mund, with organisations, associations and other contact persons in the area of responsibility.