Design Project

Shortly before the end of their studies in the sixth semester, students of the Faculty of Bio and Chemical Engineering reach a very special stage of their studies, the design project, formerly also called Gruppenarbeit (Group Work).
In six weeks of intensive teamwork, they work together and independently on a task that is already very close to their future professional life, e.g. they design, calculate and sketch an industrial plant. They present their results in presentations and discussions and gain and consolidate important soft skills for professional life. Team and leadership skills, perseverance and accuracy, the ability to analyse, an understanding of numbers, an eye for the big picture and a special focus on safety, communication and presentation skills - the Design Project rounds off the study and training.
The Design Project is often carried out in cooperation with industrial companies. During subsequent excursions, the quality of the submitted projects can be checked on site and discussed with representatives from practice. In this context, the BCI faculty also likes to take up ideas for group work projects that come from corporate practice.
If you see a possible task in your company, you are welcome to contact the group work organiser Dr. Kerstin Wohlgemuth with your idea.
Further information for enrolled students can be found at theDigitaler Zentralbereich.