BCI license

The BCI license is proof of the acquisition of basic skills for studying at the Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering.
Admission to the first BCI exams (Introduction to BCI, Materials Science) is only possible with a fully completed license.
The BCI license consists of the following 3 elements:
1st orientation week
The orientation week (= O-Week) offers you the opportunity to get to know your university, department, fellow students and lecturers before the official start of lectures and to network, get a first taste of the study atmosphere, familiarize yourself with the university system, get to know the
advisory network and find your way around campus. They receive helpful tips and tricks for the transition from school to university, quick access to the most important information and can clarify any unanswered questions.
Shared experiences and parties help them to feel welcome and included in the BCI family from day one. Every year, the Coordinator for Teaching and Studies organizes a coordinated, varied programme together with the BCI student council for this purpose.
Participation in selected events of the O-Week is mandatory for the BCI license.
2. series of events "How to BCI"
The series of events consists of a total of 15 (interactive) events (5 compulsory and 1 compulsory elective) with lectures, workshops and seminars focusing on topics tailored to first semester students: Study organization and study operations at the BCI department, self-management and
time management, exam preparation, study financing (BAföG, scholarships), study abroad, study motivation (study content and career orientation) and self-reflection. All events focus on the exchange of experiences with testimonials (e.g. older students, scholarship holders
and scholarship holders, alumni/alumnae of the department).
3 Startelf mentoring
Startelf is a program in which older students (= peers) act as mentors to support new freshmen in starting their studies. A Startelf group usually consists of one peer and 10 first-year students (= mentees) and guarantees permanent contact with other fellow students. In addition to networking the students, the main aims of the programme are to support them in organizing their studies,
coaching and exchanging experiences, passing on information, following up on the "How to BCI" series of events and checking BCI licenses (attendance). The teams get to know each other during the O-week.
The license is only issued after all elements have been completed.
Detailed information on the elements and the required compulsory courses can be found (with access authorization) in the Moodle course Digital Central Area of the Faculty.