Organizational information on starting your Bachelor's degree
We also recommend the events of the Dortmunder Zentrum Studienstart (DZS), which you can use for the BCI driver's license. You can find initial information here.
Startelf is a program in which older students (peers) act as mentors for the new freshmen. The mentoring groups will get to know each other and the BCI department during the O phase.
A starting group consists of ten first semester students and one peer and will guarantee permanent contact with fellow students. There will be a variety of events for the first semester students throughout the first semester.
At regular meetings between the peers and the first semester students, information can be obtained or problems discussed.
If you have enrolled after this deadline, please contact us by e-mail. We will then add you immediately so that you can stay up to date and network with the other first-year students.
Contact: Startelf.bcitu-dortmundde.
The orientation phase gives first-year students - affectionately known among students as "Erstis" - the opportunity to get to know their future university and department before the official start of lectures. Here you will get a general introduction to how everyday university life works, what subjects you will be studying and what help is available if you have any problems. Last but not least, the O also stands for orientationon campus, because the campus is huge.
You will receive orientation help and answers to all important questions from the teamers, experienced students from the department. Many questions will be answered, such as
- Where can I find my lecture and practice rooms?
- How do I register in the library?
- What is a student council?
- Where can I get the best fries on campus?
There's no question that can't be answered and, of course, it's not just dry instructions that are given. Shared experiences and parties will help you feel "at home" from day one. You will receive information and get to know your future fellow students, which is important to ensure that your start is not a false start.
Here you can find the programof the O-Phase.
Safely navigate university life with the "BCI driver's license" - you can even complete the first required achievement for your studies before your first lecture.
With the TU Dortmund University account data, students of the BCI department can find all the information they need for their studies in the Digital Central Area. Info films, information on the individual course achievements of the semesters - from internships to design projects, from driving licenses to Master's theses.
The preliminary course is aimed at first-year students:students from all disciplines that use mathematics, especially engineeringand mathematical-scientific disciplines. Accordingly, the preliminary course repeats mathematical school material and does not anticipate the mathematical training intended for the basic course of study. The preliminary math course is subject to registration.
It is even possible and sensible to join the preliminary course after the start.
Organizational matters at the start of the Masters studies
To use the digital central area, you must be enrolled. You will receive the access data for Moodle.
In the digital central area you will find all information concerning your studies.
External Master's students can find information about their study conditions and contents here
For a good integration of the future freshmen and the external master students (=students who have completed their bachelor studies outside the faculty BCI) the Starttelf program has been set up. Shortly before the beginning of the semester, you will receive an invitation to O-Phase on your mail address registered at TU Dortmund University. (Link) In the O-Phase we will connect you with the assigned peer students, who will be your first contact for all questions about studying at the Faculty BCI.
For questions in advance you can contact the mail address startelf.bcitu-dortmundde.
Information about the timetables can be found on the website of the faculty.
You will find your individual required courses in the respective timetables of the Bachelor students in the course catalog of the TU Dortmund University or in the notices in the glass boxes of the central area. When scheduling elective courses in particular, there may be scheduling conflicts. Then you have to choose another specialization.
To choose the specializations (electives), please also use the course catalog and the current module handbook, which can also be found on the faculty website.
In addition to the catalogs of courses offered, please be sure to read the general information in the LSF or in the connected Moodle rooms, e.g. on registration or on the kick-off events or modules; not all events are already scheduled at the beginning of the semester.
For your internships, please register very early. You will find the necessary information in the section BCI-Praktika und Labore (BCI Internships and Labs section) at the Digitaler Zentralbereich.
If you have any questions about the internship, please contact the internship organization by e-mail:
If you come from outside the TU Dortmund University, your admission includes a catalog of required courses of varying scope.
Some of the required courses take place in the winter semester, some in the summer semester. Therefore, you will not be able to fulfill all requirements immediately in your first semester, but will already listen to (elective) compulsory modules of your Master's degree and choose elective courses in parallel.
From the required courses, the (elective) compulsory courses and the electives you will create your individual study plan. In this plan, the required courses have first priority.
If you change universities, please be prepared for the fact that you may lose time in your studies or that - due to scheduling conflicts - you may not be able to take advantage of all the elective options available to you on paper.
With the university account you can use the "PC Pools" of the BCI faculty.
If you have completed your Bachelor's thesis outside a university, we would like to point out now as a precaution that you cannot write your Master's thesis externally (e.g. in an industrial company), as this is only possible once for students of the faculty.