Dr. Konrad Boettcher's contribution at GeCon receives the Best Paper Award

The joint project "CrossLab - Flexibly combinable cross-reality labs in university teaching: sustainable competence development for learning and working 4.0" is funded by the "Stiftung Innovation in der Hochschullehre". Project partners are TU Bergakademie Freiberg, TU Ilmenau and Nordakademie Hochschule der Wirtschaft gAG. Preliminary partial results of the project were presented at the "IEEE German Education Conference GeCon 2022" in Berlin. The paper of Marcus Soll from Nordakademie and Konrad Boettcher from the working group ApparateDesign, BCI with the title "Expected Learning Outcomes by Industry for Laboratory Experiments at Universities" was chosen as the best paper and received the Best Paper Award.
The presentation highlights industry's view and desires for laboratory teaching.