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Dr. Lisa Marie Schmitz awarded Ulfert Onken Prize in Biotechnology

Vergabe des Ulfert-ONken Preises an Dr. Lisa Marie Schmitz © Schaper​/​TU Dortmund
Dr. Lisa Marie Schmitz has received the Ulfert Onken Prize in Biotechnology, which is awarded for special achievements in the field of biotechnology. Congratulations!

Dr. Schmitz did his doctorate at the Chair of Bioprocess Engineering under Prof. Stephan Lütz on the topic of "Identification and application of novel P450s for biocatalytic processes". The prize was donated by Prof. Ulfert Onken, who as long-time chair of the Department of Technical Chemistry of the Faculty BCI is considered the founder of biotechnology in Dortmund.

The prize was presented by Dr. Heiko Brandt, chairman of the Alumni and Support Association of the Faculty BCI, fabcing, who is responsible for awarding the prize.