Hannah Stieber honored with the best of the year award

The prize was presented by Guido Baranowski, Chairman of the Society of Friends of the Technical University of Dortmund e.V. and Prof. Dr. Wiebke Möhring, Vice Rector of Studies at TU Dortmund University, at this year's Academic Year Celebration.
Stieber received the award for her Master's thesis "Investigation of the deactivation of molecular Pd catalysts using operando spectroscopic methods".
In addition to the reconstruction of a mini plant and the selection of a suitable plant configuration, the main aim of the master's thesis was to carry out the industrially relevant palladium-catalyzed methoxycarbonylation of ethene as an example reaction for the detection of catalyst deactivation using operando spectroscopic investigations.
The work was supervised by Prof. Dr. Dieter Vogt from the Chair of Technical Chemistry at the Faculty of BCI and PD Dr. Andreas Vorholt from the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Energy Conversion in Mülheim an der Ruhr.