News from the faculty
TU Dortmund Teaching Award goes to the BCI Student Council

Brewing Workshop presents its creations

Prof. Sebastian Engell awarded with the Arnold Eucken Medal

Prof. Gabriele Sadowski appointed to the Science Council (Wissenschaftsrat)

Great interest in the program of the BCI at the open day

Think Tank of the BCI Alumni Association fabcing introduced

BCI students very successful in chemPLANT competition
Two student groups from BCI have reached the round of the last three teams in this year's chemPLANT competition. Congratulations on this extraordinary…

Groundbreaking ceremony for the extension of the DDIC
Since the end of 2017, the BCI faculty has been working on advanced manufacturing processes and dosage forms of modern drugs in the Drug Delivery…

EU project Circular Foam started with participation of the chair DYN
Closing the materials cycle for rigid polyurethane foams: This is the ambitious goal of the new pan-European “CIRCULAR FOAM” project. The EU-funded…