Students present their results in the PEP poster show

After an introductory speech by Dr. Ralph Kleinschmidt from ThyssenKrupp, all participants were able to find out about the 29 projects they had worked on from the posters. The students were available to answer questions and explain their projects in interesting conversations and discussions.
The jury closely examined all the posters and had the difficult task of selecting the three winning posters from the good entries and ultimately decided on the following projects:
1st place: "Long life! Eat more fermented foods and you'll live to be 100!" by Michelle Kesik, Phoebe Ohme, Ermine Silunsasi, Jan Neyer and Ole Wolters (supervised by Dr. Armin Quentmeier).
2nd place: "Innovative processes for the extraction of lithium" by Yasemin Dag, Selin Özel and Rainer Goshiy (supervised by Tobias Hubach).
3rd place: "Circular Economy - How can jeans be saved from the landfill?" by Torm Braun, Miryam Turgut, Justion Lion Grundtner, Kjell Herbst and Jonas Kai Wolff (supervision Mareike Schreiber).