TU Dortmund wins the GOLC Award 2023

The simulated laboratory experiments are based on various QVM projects on immersive laboratories in virtual reality. The lab experiments provide insight into areas of experimentally inaccessible fluid physics and enable experimentation with theoretical constructs such as balancing on differential volume elements. The laboratories, which are didactically embedded in the teaching, thereby increase the effectiveness, efficiency and motivation of the students and allow access unrestricted by time and place. The combination of didactic and technical design of cross-reality labs is being researched in the joint project CrossLab with the partners TU Bergakademie Freiberg, TU Ilmenau and the Nordakademie der Wirtschaft in Elmshorn and is funded by the foundation "Innovation in University Teaching". The award ceremony took place at the REV2023 (Remote Engineering and Virtual Instrumentation) conference in Thessaloniki.