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Shaping the future!

Our degree programs offer the best career prospects and the chance to make scientific findings usable for industry as experts...


Professors and dean's office meet for a closed meeting

Once a year, a retreat is held to spend a weekend discussing the future direction of the department in the areas of teaching and research.

Poster prize for Jonas Korb

Jonas Korb from the Chair of Technical Biology was honored for his poster

Young Academy of TU Dortmund University supports Dr. Winand

Dr. Lea Winand from the Chair of Technical Biology was accepted into the TU Dortmund University Young Academy with her project "Biocatalytic synthesis…

PEP poster show at the Dortmunder U

In the "Introduction to Biochemical and Chemical Engineering" course, first-semester BCI students work in small groups on current issues and future…

Dr. Thomas Seidensticker receives Jochen Block Prize 2025

The German Catalysis Society awards Dr. Thomas Seidensticker the Jochen Block Prize 2025.

Prof. Sadowski reappointed to the Science Council

Prof. Gabriele Sadowski, Head of the Chair of Thermodynamics, has been reappointed to the Science Council for a further three years. Congratulations!
Frau Prof. Gabriele Sadowski und der deutsche Bundespräsident Frank-Walter Steinmeier stehen nebeneinander und lächeln in die Kamera. Beide tragen Brillen und sind formell gekleidet.

The BCI department introduces itself and its degree programs to interested students

The Dortmund University Days take place regularly in spring, where interested students can find out about the departments and the degree programs on…
 Eine Gruppe von Menschen trägt Schutzbrillen und arbeitet an einem Experiment. Eine Mitarbeiterin der Fakultät BCI erklärt Schülern, wie Pfefferminzöl aus der Pfefferminzpflanze extrahiert wird. Im Hintergrund sind weitere Personen zu sehen, die sich auf die Arbeit konzentrieren.

Best of the Year Award goes to Lutz Vogel-Lackenberg

M.Sc. Lutz Vogel-Lackenberg has been honored with the best of the year award for the BCI department presented by TU Dortmund University.…