Best Paper Award of the REV 23 Conference goes to Konrad Boettcher
Konrad Boettcher (BCI), together with Panagiotis Spyridis and Alhussain Yousef (both Civil Engineering) and Claudius Terkowsky (zhb), received the Best Paper Award of the REV23 Conference (Remote Engineering and Virtual Instrumentation, Short Paper Category) for the paper "Virtual Mini-lab Concept For Concrete Fastenings In Structural Engineering Education".
Congratulations! In this CrossReality lab experiment, structural mechanics experiments on fasteners in concrete are made possible. The experiments provide a deeper insight into structural mechanics processes than is possible in real laboratories. In the course of the civil engineering studies, about 10 such experiments are carried out, each requiring at least half a ton of concrete. With 10,000 first-year students throughout Germany, this results in an annual CO2 reduction potential of more than 200,000 tons in Germany alone. In the future, these laboratories will therefore be coupled with an ultra concurrent remote laboratory test and made permanently available and visible internationally with the project partner Labsland. The combination of didactic and technical design of cross-reality labs is being researched in the joint project CrossLab with the partners TU Bergakademie Freiberg, TU Ilmenau and the Nordakademie der Wirtschaft in Elmshorn and is funded by the foundation "Innovation in University Teaching".