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BCI at the Dortmunder Hochschultage 2022

Kimchi Zutaten: Chinakohl, CHilipulver, Frühlingszwiebeln, Ingwer, Knoblauch, Reismehl und Sojasauce © BCI​/​TU Dortmund

At this year's Dortmunder Hochschultage 2022 on 19.01.2022, the BCI faculty presented itself and its study programs to interested students.

Almost 100 participants took part in the BCI's digital offerings. In addition to a lecture on the courses of study and job profiles, a presentation of the latest ChemCar as well as explanations on polymers, microorganisms and a microbe flute, there was a kimchi workshop for the first time. The participating students were able to prepare their own kimchi under supervision and learned interesting facts about the use of microorganisms in food technology.