News from the faculty
Dr. Simon Wenzel receives NAMUR Award 2020
Award for Dr.-Ing. Simon Wenzel.
BCI's ChemCar team takes 4th place
Award at the ChemCar competition.
Habilitation Dr. Felix Stehle
Venia Legendi.
BCI Teaching Award 2020 goes to Prof. Markus Nett and Bettina Scharzec
Award for Prof. Markus Nett and Bettina Scharzec.
Award of the BCI Bachelor prizes for the best graduates
Award for B.Sc. Luca Antonia Grebe and B.Sc. Marius Rother.
BCI Master Prizes 2020 awarded
Award for M.Sc. Daniel Pabsch and M.Sc. Michael Kensy.
Ulfert Onken Prize in Biotechnology goes to Dr. Laura David
Award for Dr. Laura David.
Graduates farewell in digital form for the first time
Graduates Farewell 2020.
"Startelf" Mentoring Program of the Faculty of Bio- and Chemical Engineering opened
"Startelf" mentoring program of the Faculty of Bio- and Chemical Engineering.