The "Rechnerbetriebsgruppe" (Computer Operations Group) is the central institution and the competent point of contact for staff and students for IT supply in the Faculty of Biochemical and Chemical Engineering.
It is responsible for planning, supporting and ensuring the continuous availability of all central and faculty-wide IT services and it coordinates the cooperation with the IT and Media Center (ITMC) of the TU Dortmund University.

Its main tasks include:
- Expansion, modernization, operation and maintenance of the faculty internal data network.
- Responsibility for computer and data network security
- Issuing user IDs and allocating network resources
- Operation and administration of all central server services, all measuring, compute and workstation computers, as well as various peripheral devices
- Operation of the student PC-POOLs
- Advice on hardware and software procurement and, if necessary, procurement of the same
- Rental and support of event technology (notebooks, presentation tools)
- Computer installation, maintenance and repair
- Conducting workshops and preparing instructions and documentation