Study visits and internships abroad

In addition to arranging study visits, the Faculty of Biochemical and Chemical Engineering also organises international specialised internships. In addition to the contacts with the partner universities mentioned below, individual university teachers have also established individual contacts with other foreign universities and industrial companies. Further opportunities arise through programmes of the Deutscher Akademischer Auslandsdienst (German Academic Exchange Service) (DAAD), through IAESTE or through scholarships of the BCI faculty to promote exchange.
The International Office also arranges international Internships or Studies.
You can also get a lot of information and good support from the European Students Network.
Enrolled students can find further information at the "Fernweh"-Moodle Course
The promotion of Europe-wide cooperation in all areas of education is an important concern of the European Union.
Erasmus+ aims to promote lifelong learning, enable sustainable growth, strengthen social cohesion and European identity, and drive innovation.
All organizational information about the ERASMUS+ program can be found on the website of the International Office of TU Dortmund University.
International Summer Program (ISP)
If you are looking for a short stay abroad, then the ISP is the right choice for you!
Put Dortmund on your resume!
All organizational information can be found on the website of the International Office of TU Dortmund University.
Next International Summer Program: 29 May to 31 July 2025