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Doctorate procedure (PhD)

All requests need to be submitted at least four business days prior the meeting of the doctoral commission in order to be considered.
Usually the meetings are on Mondays, that means submission of the documents until Wednesday before the meeting.

2025                  Start: 15:00 hrs

  • 13.01.2025
  • 17.02.2025
  • 07.04.2025
  • 02.06.2025
  • 14.07.2025
  • 08.09.2025
  • 27.10.2025
  • 08.12.2025


The application to the doctoral program at the Faculty of Biochemical and Chemical Engineering has to be performed at the individual research groups.

Please send your application data to the head of the research group, who will serve as scientific supervisor during the doctoral procedure.

When having a commitment from the supervisor you are obligated to apply for admission from the faculty using following link:


Those aspiring doctoral candidate status need to submit an application including following documents:

  • transcript of records bachelor of science (Zeugnis mit Gesamtkredits)
  • final grade certificate bachelor of science (Urkunde)
  • transcript of records master of science (Zeugnis mit Gesamtkredits)
  • final grade certificate master of science (Urkunde)
  • curriculum vitae

All documents have to be submitted at least four business days prior to the meeting of the doctoral commission in order to be considered. Since originals of the aforementioned records and certificates need to be presented as well, a personal contact is required.  An appointment is obligatory. Please use: promotionsausschuss.bcitu-dortmundde.

In accordance to the “Landeshochschulgesetz HG NRW 2014 §67(5)” and the “Promotionsordnung 2014 §5(1)” students working on their doctoral thesis are obligated to join the doctoral program by an enrollment with the faculty.

The doctoral candidate status is restricted to four years but it can be extended on request. The application for extention for the first two years has to be submitted using the following link. Afterwards the applications for extension have to be submitted by mail using the following (form).

In accordance to the “Landeshochschulgesetz HG NRW 2014 §67(5)” and the “Promotionsordnung 2014 §5(1)” students working on their doctoral thesis are obligated to join the doctoral program by an enrollment with the faculty.

The doctoral candidate status is restricted to four years and it can be extended twice up to six years using following link.

There might be an opportunity to extend this period further based on certain live situations (e.g. pregnancy). These requests have to be submitted by mail using the following (form).


The contents of the doctoral thesis must be distributed within the scientific community in order to finish the doctoral program successfully (Promotionsordnung 2014, §18(3)). Please be aware that this might cause copyright issues with previous publications, such as journal articles. It’s therefore advised to check your own copyright situation prior to writing your thesis! A monographic doctoral thesis requires a final distribution by a commercial publisher (e.g. Shaker, Dr. Hut and Cuvillier) or an online publication by the University (Eldorado). A cumulative doctoral thesis does not require such a distribution, since the information is already available in the journal articles. The introduction and text body (Manteltext) of a cumulative thesis should therefore be limited to information mentioned in the publications (PromO 2014, §18(3) “…Veröffentlichung in ungekürzter Form…”). In this respect it is not recommended to include unaccepted journal articles in the thesis, due to the risk of subsequent changes.

Upon finishing the thesis the doctoral candidate has to upload several documents. In order to be considered by the doctoral commission the documents have to be submitted at least four business days prior to the meeting. The printed version of the thesis can be sent as parcel or be handed in at the doctoral office. In this case an appointment is obligatory (promotionsausschuss.bcitu-dortmundde).

Template of the forms and the necessary information can be found in the electronic system when you look in the upload procedure.

  • paper copies (6) of the doctoral thesis (references in ACS format, template title page)
  • PDF-file "submission declaration form"*
  • PDF-file "proof of participation" in structured doctoral program signed by supervisor*
  • PDF-file "summary in German" signed by supervisor (less than 300 words)*
  • PDF-file "summary in English" signed by supervisor (less than 300 words)*
  • PDF-file "separate title page"
  • PDF-file "form regarding co-author contributions" signed by supervisor*
  • PDF-file "list of own publications" signed by supervisor*
  • PDF-file "up-to-date curriculum vitae" signed by the student*
  • PDF-file "plagiarism check" signed by student and supervisor (first 5 pages) and upload! In case of unclear citations please upload the whole report with active links.
  • PDF-file "doctoral thesis"

*unsigned versions of the marked pdf-documents have to be attached in the appendix of each printed thesis as well as in the electronic version of the thesis


After complete submission of the documents to the doctoral office the doctoral commission reviews all documents and appoints an examination board. The doctoral commission is not obligated to follow the suggestions of the candidate. The doctoral commission requests the supervisor to schedule the oral examination with the candidate as well as the members of the examination board. Afterwards all participants of the examination are invited by the doctoral office and the reports are requested from the referees. The student has the opportunity to read the reviewer reports three to five business days prior to the examination in the doctoral office. Copies, records and personal notes are not allowed and an appointment is obligatory (promotionsausschuss.bcitu-dortmundde).

The head of the examination board informs the student about the grades right after the examination, a confirmation letter is sent from the doctoral office to the student afterwards.

Due to the Corona situation the following procedure has been defined by the faculty of BCI for oral doctoral examinations:

  1. Contrary to the “Promotionsordnung” it is possible to take the exam during the corona crisis in presence of the members of the examination board only.
  2. An appointed external member of the examination board (“externer Gutachter”) is obligated to participate in the examination. A conferencing service like (Zoom, Webex etc.) might be used to comply with this rule.
  3. The doctoral examination has to be open to the members of the faculty. This can be achieved by conferencing service as well. In order to control the access a registration in advance is recommended.
  4. The technical aspects related to the conferencing service are organized by the doctoral student. One further person joining the examination physically is advised.
  5. If there are technical issues and the external member of the examination board or the members of the faculty cannot join the procedure the examination will be canceled.
  6. The doctoral student has to apply (scanned letter with signature) for this kind of examination by the doctoral commission (

If you agree to this procedure, you have to send an informal letter, indicating that you wish to do your exam in accordance with these regulations when submitting your thesis!


The student is obligated to implement the examination board's comments in the final version of the thesis within one year (date of oral examination). Furthermore the title page has to be changed and the administrative appendix (section "Submission of the Doctoral Thesis" items marked with *) has to be removed from the thesis.

There are multiple different modes for publication of the final thesis in the “Promotionsordnung §18(3)”, three of which are common:

  • Monographic dissertations are usually published by an official publisher (e.g. Shaker, Dr. Hut and Cuvillier ). A confirmation letter of the publisher is required containing author, title, ISBN number and information about minimal circulation. 10 paper copies need to be provided to the doctoral office.
  • Another strategy to publish a monographic dissertation is the electronic publication by the library of the university. Therefore a PDF-File (type A) and 10 paper copies are required to be provided to the doctoral office. An additional form is needed.
  • For cumulative dissertations 10 paper copies are required containing the text body as well as the publications and have to be handed in at the doctoral office.

For finalization, the required amount of 10 copies of the thesis as well as the below-mentioned documents have to be submitted at the doctoral office. The printed version of the thesis can be sent as parcel or be handed in at the doctoral office. In this case an appointment is obligatory (promotionsausschuss.bcitu-dortmundde).

Additionally the following document have to be uploaded using the following link.

  • PDF-file "final title page"
  • PDF-file "doctoral thesis"

The final version of the printed thesis is transferred to the members of the examination board by the doctoral office for cross checking.

After the approval of the members of your examination board you receive a mail asking for a finalization of your documents. You have to upload

  • PDF-file "form for certificate data" signed by student and supervisor (form)
  • PDF-file "actual curriculum vitae" signed by student

 This is your last task before the certificate can be issued.

Afterwards the approval of the examination board 4 copies of the dissertation are submitted to the library by the doctoral office (not by the doctoral student). The library sends a confirmation to the doctoral office. The date of the library confirmation letter has to be filled-in in above-mentioned form by the doctoral office. Please leave it blank.

Now the certificate can be issued by the dean's office.

It usually takes three months and the certificate will be sent by registered mail from the dean’s office.

For older doctoral regulations, please contact the doctoral office.


Email Phone 0231/ 755 - 5954