Interdisciplinary Qualification
The Interdisciplinary Qualification (IQ, formerly Studium Fundamentale) offers insight into foreign subject cultures and places special emphasis on interdisciplinarity. After successful completion of the module, students have built up an understanding of issues in other sciences. Students can choose two to a maximum of 4 credit points from interdisciplinary in-depth courses (old Studium Fundamentale à 3 credit points).

The courses can be selected from all courses offered by the TU Dortmund University after consultation with the lecturers and according to the regulations (e.g. for registration or enrollment) of the faculties offering the courses.
Courses that are already open to all faculties without the necessary agreement are listed in the LSF under "Studium Fundamentale". To do this, go to the LSF page electronic course catalog -> Events -> Course catalog -> Studium Fundamentale and check all individual faculties. Find a suitable course, if necessary observe special registration deadlines and modalities.
It is also possible to acquire key competencies or foreign language competencies in languages not offered at school within the framework of IQ.
All courses taken must be completed with examination results a module certificate, pure certificates of attendance are generally not recognized. In addition, some courses offered by the faculties of Mechanical Engineering and Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, e.g. "Technik light", are not recognized for the BCI faculty. Information on the recognition of certain events can be obtained from the examination board of the BCI faculty.
If the IQ is completed with a grade, this grade is included in the calculation of the Bachelor grade.
Finally, the module certificate has to be submitted individually by the student to the examination office Team 4 for registration.