Lab work in the course of studies

What would an engineer be with only theoretical knowledge? Not an engineer!
In addition to investing a lot of time in learning theory, BCI students therefore also spend more than a third of their studies in practical training.
In the first year, they acquire basic scientific practice in the practical courses of general and inorganic chemistry, physics and materials science. Organic chemistry follows in the second year, while process technology and engineering sciences are covered in the BCI labs, which tie in with the content of the courses and make knowledge tangible in the truest sense of the word. You can find a list of all the practical courses here. Detailed information at the Digitaler Zentralbereich
Lab Work at other faculties
Anorganisch-chemisches Praktikum at 2. Semester,
Responsible person: Dr. Sebastian Zühlke
Physik-Praktikum at 2. Semester,
Responsible person: Dr. Bärbel Siegmann
Organisch-chemisches Praktikum at 3. Semester,
Responsible person: Dr. Alexandra Behler
Lab work at the BCI faculty
Werkstoffkunde Praktikum (Materials science) im 1. Semster
Thermodynamik 2 Praktikum(Thermodynamics) im 4. Semester
Mikrobiologie-Praktikum (Microbiology) im 4. Semester
BIW-Labor I und II at 3./4. and 5./6. Semester
CIW-Labor I und II at 3./4. and 5./6. Semester
Reaktionstechnik (Reaction engineering) - (elective)
Bioproesstechnik (Bioprocessing) - (compulsory)
Chemische Technik 2 (Chemical Engineering) - (elective)
Pharmaverfahrenstechnik (Pharmaceutical Process Engineering) - (compulsory elective)
Process Performance Optimization - (compulsory elective)
Technische Biochemie (Technical Biochemistry) - (compulsory)
Mechanische Verfahrenstechnik (Mechanical Process Engineering) - (compulsory elective)
Reaktionstechnik (Reaction Engineering) - (compulsory elective)
Thermische Verfahrenstechnik (Thermal Process Engineering) - (compulsory elective)
Chemische Technik 2 (Chemical Engineering) - (compulsory elective)
Pharmaverfahrenstechnik (Pharmaceutical Process Engineering) - (elective)
Process Performance Optimization - (compulsory elective)
Technische Biochemie (Technical Biochemistry) - (elective)
Responsible persons: