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In Germany, there are around 2,500 scholarship programs for different target groups - there may be something for you, too. Who can apply?
Good and very good performance is a criterion for most funding organizations. Other foundations focus on commitment, personality or membership of a specific target group (e.g. prospective engineers, students with financial gaps, migrant backgrounds).
Many funding organizations also take into account the applicant's career path: Minor social commitment or a 2.3 in the Abitur is assessed differently if there is an impairment, such as applicants contributing to the family's upkeep or interpreting for the family alongside their schooling.
Each program provides funding differently and therefore defines its selection criteria differently. This is why it is so important that (future) students check which programs they can apply for.
They should also do this as early as possible: For some scholarships, prospective students can only apply before their 1st semester, but for other programs it is still possible to apply during their Master's degree.
German scholarships at the BCI
TU Dortmund University and the department BCI participate in the"Deutschlandstipendien".
Special consideration is given to the selection of Deutschlandstipendium recipients:
- Achievement and talent: average grade of the university entrance qualification with special consideration of individual grades relevant to the subject for first-year students or previous achievements for students who are already enrolled
- Applicant potential: special achievements, awards, prizes, previous professional experience and internships, extracurricular or extracurricular commitment, special personal or family circumstances.
The financial support currently amounts to EUR 300 per month and is limited to one year. An extension is possible if the scholarship provider agrees and the student is within the standard period of study.
An application is possible for future and current students of the Technical University of Dortmund / Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering. Applicants must be within the standard period of study. (This does not exclude the possibility that individual examinations may still be written, but only refers to the fact that Bachelor students, for example, are not in a semester higher than the 7th semester). The scholarships co-financed by Cargill Deutschland GmbH and Lanxess Deutschland GmbH are only awarded to Master students of the department.
The selection process includes an online application and subsequent assessment and selection by TU Dortmund University and a committee of the BCI department, which includes the Dean, the Dean of Studies, the Managing Director and Prof. Agar. The scholarship providers may be involved in an advisory capacity in the selection of scholarship holders.
The application process begins on August 15 of the current year. Click here to apply online
The Central Student Advisory Service at TU Dortmund University is now offering a weekly scholarship consultation:
"Going abroad with a scholarship. Explained step by step" - The new DAAD brochure
Detailed program information can be found in the DAAD scholarship database.
Links to scholarship databases, scholarship providers and more information
Free eBook with 400 scholarships
Scholarship database
Villigst Protestant Student Union
Martin-Schmeißer-Stiftung der TU Dortmund University (scholarships for Bachelor's and Master's theses with research stays abroad)
Naumann Foundation