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Use of quality improvement funds at the faculty

Stepped stairs protrude from a gray wall. © Sergey Nivens​/​

Since the winter semester 2011/2012, tuition fees have no longer been charged in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia. The money still collected from the winter was spent according to purposes already decided. As financial compensation, all universities receive the so-called "quality improvement funds" in roughly the same amount. The legal basis for this is the Study Quality Act and the Study Quality Ordinance. 

On 01.02.2012, the Quality Improvement Commission of the Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering was elected to decide on its use. Student representatives have an absolute majority here.

Quality assurance at the Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering

In July 2011, the Faculty Council of the Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering adopted a paper on quality assurance in teaching for the first time. The goals, structures and measures for quality assurance in teaching and studies were defined. Some points from the content:

  • Establishment of a quality improvement commission
  • Evaluation of compulsory internships (also outside the department)
  • Compulsory tutorial sizes of up to 60 students by the 4th semester or supplementing larger tutorials with tutorials
  • Project work for all first-year students
  • Ensuring the quality of exams (of equal difficulty, sufficiently covered topics)
  • Opening of a learning center with 50 places by the end of 2011
  • Teaching criterion for new appointments verifiable through trial lectures and discussions with students.

Since 2013, the quality report, which is prepared every two years and adopted by the Faculty Council, has included an assessment of the department's current situation as well as quality assurance goals and measures in teaching and learning. Details can be found under the relevant years.

The budget for 2025 was approved at the Quality Improvement Committee meeting.

It contains the following items:

The budget for 2024 was approved at the Quality Improvement Committee meeting.

It contains the following items:

The budget for 2023 was approved at the Quality Improvement Committee meeting. It contains the following items:

The budget for 2020 was approved at the Quality Improvement Committee meeting on 10.02.2020. It contains the following items:

The budget for 2019 was approved at the Quality Improvement Committee meeting on March 6, 2019. It contains the following items:

The budget for 2018 was approved at the Quality Improvement Committee meeting on 20.02.2018. It contains the following items:

The budget for 2017 was approved at the Quality Improvement Committee meeting on February 1, 2017. It contains the following items:

The budget for 2015 was approved at the Quality Improvement Committee meeting on 21.04.2015. It contains the following items:

The budget for 2014 was approved at the Quality Improvement Committee meeting on 25.02.2014. It contains the following items:

  • 20,000 € for ongoing renewal of the CIP pool
  • 9,000 € for excursions
  • 432,500 for staff development to improve teaching and study conditions
  • 20,000 for software
  • 90,000 for innovative teaching projects

You can find the current situation, goals and measures in teaching and studies for 2013 and 2014 in the 2013 quality report. Click here for the 2013 quality report.

With the quality report, an important document for teaching and studies at BCI was adopted by the Faculty Council on 26.06.2013. In addition to providing evidence of the use of quality improvement funds in 2012, the report also contains an assessment of the current situation as well as goals and measures in teaching and studies for 2013 and 2014. From 2014, up to 25% (expected to be around €100,000) of the quality improvement funds will be used for special projects to improve teaching and to test and validate new forms of teaching on the basis of applications. The 10-star service is to be updated, the didactic training of teaching staff is to be intensified and measures to improve studyability are to be implemented, e.g. changes to internships or examinations. The aim is to open a second study room with 30 places. Details can be found in the quality report. Click here for the 2013 quality report.

The 2013 quality improvement funds were spent as follows:

  • 553,364 € for teaching staff
  • 44,864 € for tutorials
  • 21,430 € for scientific and technical equipment
  • 9,281 € for excursions, workshops
  • 4,003 € for teaching and learning materials

The quality improvement funds were used as follows in 2012:

  • 573,898 € for teaching staff
  • 54,590 € for tutorials
  • 6,300 € for scientific and technical equipment
  • 10,003 € for excursions, workshops
  • 7,577 € for teaching and learning materials

Details can be found in the department's quality report 2011-2013. Click here for the quality report.